He is gentle at heart, having a great love of gardening, Golden Flower Tea, and his former wifes signature Butterscotch Pie. Kli took in a deep breath as his mind opened and he saw an Elven beauty. Asgore is the king of the Underground and the father of the late Asriel Dreemurr. *Asgore takes one of Chara’s hands in his own, despite the danger. The waning magic of Legolas was suddenly amplified a hundred fold. But to lose my child and my friend in one blow… Maybe Sans told Asgore Also, yes, the title of the OP doesnt reeeeaaally connect with the thread, but it does mean King In The Mountain, but Im pretty. Sacrificing one of you would be too much. *His eyes rise up and the red-brown of them holds the mixed colors of his former child and former friend, reds and violets a swirling mess of conflicted existence and emotion. top to seek King Asgore for a wish or make a deal with the devil himself. The trident rises….and is driven into the stone so he can use it to stand. The easiest way was to go under the mountain and strike a deal with the cursed. *Asgore smiles and somehow, despite the pain, he manages to rise from his knees to his feet, grunting with the effort of overcoming his injuries. *A flash of thought…and then it hits him. With that much hate, even a shallow strike is nearly enough to end him….it was foolish of him to think that he stood any sort of chance. *Asgore feels another white hot burst of agony as the blade, with nothing more then a nick, cuts him to the bone across his ribs.
*As Chara reasserts themselves, lunging in with murder in their gaze, he raises a hand, conjuring more ghostly flames in a huge arc in front of himself, giving him just enough time when the murderer has to swipe them aside with his blade to get partially out of the way of the follow-up swipe. Free King in the mountain PNG Images, Income Tax In The United States, Money In The Bank, Money In The Bank Ladder. *The wide-eyed goatman watches with horror as the creature wars with itself, the SOUL in it trying to grasp at his trident…it levels it with it’s own chest before in horror, Asgore pulls away, putting some space between himself and this thing.